Success Story

Ilves Sports Radio

Ilves is a Finnish recreational club founded in 1931 with over 7000 members, offering diverse recreational activities such as ice hockey, football, floorball, futsal, and ringette.

Ilves Hockey enriched media production with RadioMan®, expanding into radio broadcasting. Read the success story behind Ilves Sports Radio!

CBS News logo

CBS News Radio

Spring 2020 forced newsrooms around the world to find new ways of working remotely. Jutel offered CBS News Radio a solution that made remote broadcasting possible remarkably quickly. Read how we made it happen!

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Jutel has supported the Finnish Broadcast Corporation transformation project from client-based legacy system toward browser-based cloud production environment since 2018. We have previously implemented a multi-tier client-server radio production and playout environment which is the base for the transformation.

Al Aan FM logo.

Al Aan Radio

RadioMan´s cloud based system deployment enables customers to significantly reduce studio investment with increased broadcasting flexibility.

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Schibsted owned VGTV chose RadioMan for their podcast production. Read more about how modern podcast studio were implemented for VGTV with RadioMan!

Trusted by leading organizations

CBS News logo
YLE logo
RTE logo
Radio Romania logo
ERR logo
Radio Botswana logo
RTS logo
Sveriges Radio logo